
Hüseyin Tamer Wants to Help People Roll Back Time with a Face Yoga App

A holistic approach to self-care can’t fail to include attention to facial health.

Hüseyin Tamer

Name: Hüseyin Tamer

Companies: Hiface and Pureface

Hiface logo

What are you building, and who benefits most from it?

We are a company that has developed a successful mobile app called Hiface, which has over 5 million users. Hiface is a unique app that allows users to find styles that match their facial features. We’re proud of its success, and we’re always looking for new ways to help people feel confident and happy with their appearance.

That’s why we are now building a mobile app called Pureface Facial Yoga, which offers a series of exercises to tone and relax face, neck, and head muscles. Our app provides a natural, non-invasive solution to combat aging and achieve a more youthful appearance. Our target audience is anyone interested in maintaining their facial health and appearance and valuing a holistic, natural approach to self-care. Our program is especially relevant for those who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve facial tone and relaxation, and achieve a more radiant look.

We’re confident that Pureface will appeal to a wide range of users, particularly those who may be experiencing signs of aging or stress-related tension in their facial muscles. We also believe that Pureface has the potential to benefit professionals in the beauty and wellness industries, such as estheticians, yoga instructors, and massage therapists, who can incorporate the exercises into their services and recommend the app to their clients.

What is one of your startup’s most impressive accomplishments?

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Hiface gained more than 5 million users organically.

What has been the biggest challenge so far, and how did you overcome it?

Based on the common challenges faced by startups in the wellness and beauty industry, one of Pureface’s biggest challenges will be building awareness and establishing credibility in a competitive market.

To address this challenge, we plan to use various marketing and promotional strategies to create a buzz around the app and build a community of users. We intend to leverage social media platforms, influencer marketing, and partnerships with wellness and beauty brands to increase Pureface’s reach and visibility while also focusing on providing excellent customer service and engaging with users to build loyalty and trust. Additionally, we will emphasize the unique features and benefits of the app to differentiate our product and establish ourselves as a leader in the facial yoga market.

What tool or app could you not live without and why?

One app that is essential for Pureface’s success is a project management tool such as Trello. These tools can help teams stay organized, prioritize tasks, and collaborate more effectively. With a project management tool, we can track the progress of app development, marketing campaigns, and other business activities and ensure everyone is aligned and working toward the same goals.

Additionally, these tools can provide transparency and accountability, allowing team members to see what their colleagues are working on and reducing the risk of miscommunication or duplication of effort. Overall, a project management tool can help Pureface streamline its operations and achieve its objectives more efficiently.

What marketing strategies have worked for you?

We haven’t started marketing Pureface yet, but we followed word-of-mouth strategies for Hiface.

What has been your biggest business failure to date? What did you learn from it?

Choosing the wrong team member was a major setback for me and Hiface. It resulted in a significant loss of both time and money, which we couldn’t afford to waste. Unfortunately, this team member lacked the necessary skills and work ethic to contribute effectively to the project, and their negative attitude caused conflicts with other team members. This not only slowed down the development process but also created a toxic work environment that hurt our overall productivity.

In retrospect, I realize that I didn’t conduct a thorough enough evaluation of this candidate before hiring them. I was too focused on filling the role quickly and overlooked some red flags during the interview process. As a result, I learned the hard way that choosing the right team members is crucial for a startup’s success and that it’s worth taking the time to find the right fit for the team and the company culture. Going forward, I’m committed to being more diligent in my hiring process and making sure that we have a strong and cohesive team in place to achieve our goals.

What’s the best specific piece of advice you have for other entrepreneurs?

Starting a business is not just about having a great product or service; it’s about understanding your “why.” Why are you doing what you’re doing? What’s your purpose, your cause, your belief? If you can clearly articulate your why, you’ll be able to inspire others to join you on your journey and create a loyal customer base.

However, it’s not just about the why—it’s also about the how and the what. How are you going to bring your why to life, and what are you going to offer your customers? It’s essential to have a clear and compelling value proposition that differentiates you from your competitors and delivers real value to your customers.

Finally, it’s about execution. The best idea in the world won’t succeed without a solid plan and the ability to execute that plan effectively. This means having a strong team, a scalable business model, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

So, if you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur, remember to start with your why, focus on creating a strong value proposition, and execute your plan with passion and perseverance. With these elements in place, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful and fulfilling business.

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